Thursday, December 3, 2009

Bonsai Pruning Instructions

Beginner Bonsai Pruning Instructions

Our Bonsai Tree must be pruned properly.If we do not take special care and follow each Bonsai Trees unique pruning instructions , we may cause more harm than good.

With so many different Bonsai Trees, its always best to make sure that you are pruning your Bonsai tree at the right time , without taking too much -or not enough.

Conventionally, there are a couple of ways to prune your Bonsai Tree.

  1. Finger Pruning
  2. Leaf Pruning
Finger Pruning

Finger pruning is best used on Bonsais without the big green leaves. We simply take the part that we want to prune and hold it between our thumb and forefinger.

Then we gently twist the part of the Bonsai we wish to remove and separate it from the tree. What we want to do, is keep the Bonsai trees shape and look. And when we use our fingers, the Bonsai is left with a more natural looking shape.

Leaf Pruning

Leaf Pruning is sometimes known as , "Defoliating". Basically, we will use scissors to remove the leaves from the trees.

By cutting right where the leaf begins, with the scissors, we leave enough of a branch for the Bonsai to buidl up more , thicker leaves.

After 2 seasons of trimming- or "Leaf Pruning"- our Bonsais with look 3 times fuller , thicker and greener. Best used on deciduous and tropical trees.

You can learn all the various pruning and care instructions for virtually all Bonsai trees- and more. I always recommend that beginner bonsai owners read Ruth Morgans "Beautiful Bonsai Secrets" instruction guide.

You will learn everything you need to know about your Bonsai and many other types of Bonsai.

Caring For Bonsai Trees

Caring For Your Bonsai

Our Bonsai Trees will become a part of our lives. They need our care and attention and in return they turn into beautiful works of art that reflect the love and patience that we poured into each one.

And caring for your Bonsai tree means going the extra mile to find out everything possible about your particular Bonsai Tree.

Because each one needs its own , special care and has unique pruning instructions, its always best to find out exactly what kind you have and what it needs to become the beautiful Bonsai Tree that you are looking forward to.

Find out what type of soil your bonsai needs -how much water it requires - and the amount of sunlight to give it.

And you also must find out exactly how often to Prune your Bonsai. Too much and it will never recover. Not enough, and you may end up with a thin looking tree. Each one has a unique style and look.

And the faster you find all these different details for your Bonsai, the sooner you can rest and relax ,knowing that you have the confidence and know how to grow the most beautiful Bonsai possible.

And it will be YOUR OWN masterpiece!

For more information and tips you can visit the Bonsai Instructions site here:

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Beginner Bonsai Instructions

Hello and welcome to the "Beginner Bonsai Instructions" information blog. If you are brand new to Bonsai Tree's and you want to learn how to take care of your beautiful Bonsai Tree from a baby to full grown Tree, then read on.

The Bonsai Tree is a Japanese Plant that has brought much happiness to many people. The true happiness comes from taking care of the Bonsai - not just trimming properly, but feeding it the correct food and giving it the right amount of water and light.

And with so many different Bonsai's, it would be of great use to you to know how to take care of your exact Bonsai Tree.

For beginners, it is best to own their own, complete Bonsai Instruction Book. It should be full of all different types of Bonsai tree's and growing instructions for each tree. By recommendation, would be for you to get the "Beautiful Bonsai Secrets" book .

Written by Ruth Morgan, the Beautiful Secrets book is my absolute favorite Bonsai Instructions book. Ruth has been a care taker of the bonsai for over 35 years -and we all just love her writing. Everything is laid out in plain English, making it a breeze to understand just what to do for our Bonsai Tree's so that they have long and beautiful life.

That makes owning a Bonsai Tree a true blessing and it will bring so much peace to your life as well.

You can get your own copy of the "Beautiful Bonsai Secrets" book now or read some of our other helpful tips pages first: